
“There is no greater reward than working from your heart, and making a difference in the world.”

Victoria Evans

Founder + Executive Director 

Victoria Evans lost her mom, Jeanette Anderson when she was 18, her mom was only 41.  Losing a parent is a traumatic event for anyone that hasn’t quite figured out life and still need guidance and nurturing.  but especially for children that Bereaved Youth Village was a thought for founder, Victoria Evans, after she and her 3 siblings lost their mother suddenly when she was 18 years old.  When her mom passed her family and friends did everything they knew to support her and her brothers.  After having children of her own and meeting other kids that experienced the loss of their parents it became more apparent that many had the common feeling of isolation and thoughts that no one understood their grief.  For many years she considered starting a non-profit for bereaved youth but for one reason or another it kept being delayed. 

 Then in October 2022, she tragically lost her dear cousin Dee with him leaving behind a six-year-old son.  She felt regret for delaying the vision and not having the support in place as soon as he needed it.  She is now the founder of the only non-profit in Texas that offers support to bereaved youth.

Events are an important part of Bereaved Youth Village because it gives the youth an opportunity to see the village that supports them in their grief. Often, children feel isolated in their grief and that no one understands.  Because the truth is, often the people around want to support button’t know what to say or how to support because they haven’t experienced such a significant loss. 

Meet Our Team

We have assembled a dedicated team that has proven their commitment to being the village for bereaved youth.  Our team consists of bereaved youth and the immediate support of bereaved youth which allow us to gain different perspectives on how to best support our bereaved youth.  Our team has diverse backgrounds.  Our executive director ensures that the mission is carried out.  Our director of Operations carries out and our

Victoria Evans

Executive Director

Our Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the organization’s vision and leading decisions to drive the growth of the organization.

Brittany Cole

Chief Operations Officer

Our Chief Operations Officer is responsible for directing, implementing, and executing the internal operations of the organization to ensure the team is aligned with the culture and vision of the organization.

Brianna Jones

Chief Finance Officer

Our Chief Finance Officer is responsible for managing the financial operations of the organization, ensuring the organization’s financial health, transparency, and sustainability.

Patrice Vance

Senior Program Coordinator

Our Chief Fun Officer is a bereaved youth that loss his dad. He is responsible for conceptualizing programs and events for bereaved youth.

Dylan Donsteen

Chief Fun Officer, Ages 3-10

Our Chief Fun Officer is a bereaved youth that loss his dad. He is responsible for conceptualizing programs and events for bereaved youth.

About Us

Our Mission

To empower, support and connect children who have experienced the loss of their mother and/or father.

Our Vision

Every child or young adult who experienced the loss of their mother and/or father has a supportive community including positive role models and peer support. 


The purpose of Bereaved Youth Village is to build a supportive and inclusive network, provide positive role models and peer support. Our goal is to promote positive growth and to remind children they are not alone in their grief.  Our programs are non-therapeutic, community-based, and volunteer-driven. 


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